Hi everyone,
I’m looking forward to starting a new VRC team this year. We just ordered a lot of parts such as the field, competition super kit, and Spin Up game elements. Would you be willing to share any good online resources or advice for a start-up team? We are just starting to get a feel for how the competitions work and some of the basic strategies for building the robot. (We are truly starting from scratch but are very ambitious.)
Thanks so much and have a great day.
Check out the Purdue sigbots wiki
It includes lots of information about different things and it’s quite a good resource to use
Wow, within minutes I get a resource that has tons of info. Thank you!
In addition to the purdue sigbots wiki there is also a wiki on the forums
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Here is another great post with a lot of links
So, I (coach) am leaving my team. I’m trying to do everything I can to help them carry on, and one thing I’d like to leave them is a list of high quality resources that they can refer to in the future.
Here’s my live document - Full dump of everything below
Does anyone have really great resources that you think every team should have? Videos, web sites, the best vex forum posts - anything?
Here’s what I have so far
All Purpose
Vexforum.com - The ultimate resource for VEX, an active and a…
Another post with help for new teams
New Team Guide To VRC
When I started out in robotics, there was no good guide on what mistakes I should avoid doing and what things are really useful. This should be a helpful resource to new teams to help them avoid many of the mistakes that new teams make and help give them a better understanding of how vex robotics works. I hope that you find at least some of this information useful in your first season of robotics. This guide was written for the 2020-2021 season “Tipping Point” but …
June 23, 2022, 8:16pm
kb.vex.com for VEX Robotics resources online
kb.roboticseducation.org for VRC resources.
They are good resources.
June 23, 2023, 8:50pm
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