Hook or hood?

I was wondering what do people prefer. ( I know there has already been a topic on this)
But it died so I just wanted to make a quick simple poll

  • Hook
  • Hood
0 voters

I feel like for newer teams hook since its a lot easier to tune than hood. Also I think hook is just more consistent in general since some times hood can fail while hook most of the time just slams down the ring on the goal. Although if tuned properly, hood can be a decent option especially if your using flexwheels.

Either one works witha attention to detail and lots of tuning. they also both have their own inherit advantages and disadvantages. im personally team hook as i really like the way you can easily cypher rings off of it into a bucket to do wallstakes. other than that one thing they are baisically the same. both take lots of time to tune to get them really accurate and consistent and both get the job done.


I like hook because I believe that it’s easier to build. But both require lots of tuning like @TimmyOsborne has mentioned


I feel hood is the better option for newer teams because it offers a little more control over the rings because it’s basically sandwiched between a conveyor and a polycarbonate piece(if your using). But, I chose hood this year because for me, its easier to build and tune since I’ve worked with a conveyor before(Spin up)

hook takes more tuning on the conveyor part but hood requires a very high quality goal grab mechanism because any variance can lead to missing rings on the goal.

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I think hood has the benefit that you can directly intake onto a de-scoring or wall stake arm. That being said you probably need some kind of pneumatic to get the hood arm able to score onto wall stakes and be able to de-score which seems like a pretty bad disadvantage

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Agreed from what I remember in MOA teams with hooks generally performed better than one with hoods. But rings were more likely to go flying on a hook.

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not sure if i really agree with this. didnt really seem to make a difference. teams like JAR, Ace, pink unicorns, 360x all used hood and it worked great for them. they were able to score rings insanley fast and consistentley. they also had to carry in quite a few of there matches. in most of them they had 4 or 5 rings on their goals in auto and they usually filled around 2/5 goals on the feild by themselves with plenty of time to spare for corner fights.


i disagree. it is essential for both hook and hood to have perfect goal placment. i spent more time tuning my goal placment on the hook robots i built over the summer than the conveyer parts. the only tuning i did converyer wise was the speed and size of the top sproket as it messed with how the ringe flipped over and how it released and how fast it released.


Just reading through this. What do y’all mean by hook or hood?

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Hook and hood refer to designs of intakes. A hook intake, as per the name, uses hooks which slide under the rings to collect them. A hood intake uses a row of grippy material, typically either flex wheels or intake rollers, to grasp onto rings and collect them.

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Yeah ur right i wrote that backwards. Hook needs better goal placement but its important for both.

A hook is a robot which scores on a mobile goal using a plastic material of some sort and usually slams it on to the stake. A hood uses treads and has something liek a pressure hood on top to push the rings on to the stake you can look at 229V’s bot and they use a hood or look at barcbots and they use a hook.

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Hood intake robot:

hook intake robot:


A hook intake uses a hook to “fling” the ring downward onto the stake, while a hood intake uses a hood to push the ring down onto the stake.


That makes sense now. Is one of them that is easier to build and tune or more efficient

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Probably hook, as there is no hood to tune, which can be difficult.

You have to tune hook too which can take a while for it to be accurate

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High can someone explain to me how you make a hook? What attachment do you need so that you can put it on one of the chain links?