Does anybody know how to put the little flex wheels onto an axle? We don’t have any VersaHex adapters.
VersaHex adapters are going to be necessary to properly mount Flex Wheels.
I suppose you could (almost) mount one on a 1/4" shaft, and lock it in place with a shaft collar on each side… but it probably won’t turn out well.
Which size flex wheels are you talking about?
We have a VEX Library Article from a few years ago when there were some inventory shortages on some of the ancillary Flex Wheel accessories (like VersaHex Adaptors) that should help. The article discusses some mounting alternatives that teams may have easily available.
The article can be found here:
You might also find some good advice in this VEX Forum thread from a few years ago that helped create this Library Article.
Can I put a spacer in the middle of the 1.625 flex wheels and lock it in using shaft collars? Or should I put shaft inserts in instead?
If you’re using 2” flex wheels i figured out that you can use the metal high strength gears as inserts for them. If you’re using larger ones I recommend using 12t chain sprockets as inserts. If I remember correctly i used to squeeze two sprockets in and it would work as a great substitute for the adapters