Just like previous years, we are not releasing any documentation until the Closing Ceremonies of the Middle School / VEX U Competition on Tuesday.
I can at least release the links where all documentation will eventually live. In the meantime, each of these links will point to a countdown page, but will be redirected to their respective documents when the time comes.
It doesn’t release for another 3 days. Its released once middle school finishes their worlds. After that, you can find it at the top of this string as a link. It leads to nowhere as of now.
I think I might try to vertically expand my bot to the top with a lift, grab on, and pull my bottom to the top, but other than that I don’t really have an amazing idea on how to pick up the rings. maybe a forklift.
I’m guessing this is going to turn out a little like TiP with people using conveyor belts to lift them and put them on a Mobile goal that they carry around. I’ve never competed in tipping point so I’m not sure.
This also changes if we have to use some force to push the rings on, though it didn’t look like it in the game video.