Robot Mesh Studio = Flowol + Blockly + Python

We are excited to release Robot Mesh Studio which brings together our Blockly and Python programming with Flowol flowchart programming into a single integrated environment.

Use free online on PC, Mac, Linux and Chromebook.

If you haven’t looked at our programming tools in a while, we now have improved runtime performance, an integrated debugger (breakpoints, variable evaluation) for graphical and Python languages as well as a smoother user interface.

This release also includes a beta (test) of our new 3D VEX IQ Mimic technology where you can assemble your own robot on screen and simulate it with realistic physics while testing your program. [Video introduction to come soon!]

To accompany the software we have also released the first version of our Blockly Curriculum for VEX IQ and Teachers Guide. Aligned to national standards, teach and learn robotics programming visually with Blockly using Robot Mesh Studio.

List of features in this new release can be found here.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll code!


I’m really excited by these mimics! Managed to build some basic stuff really quickly.

Thanks for the announcement. I wonder why I’ve got no email even though I have registered for them at and even asked very recently…

Anyway, I am trying Robot Mesh Studio, as it works on ChromeBooks our school deployed for middle schoolers. For the programming, I have verified blockly + python last year already, so now I am most interested in Mimics. This might still be work in progress, though the editor would have to go quite a long way to compete with LDCad for model editing (which, of course, won’t run on those ChromeBooks).
Now, have you considered providing some kind of import option? Imagine the students editing their models in either SnapCad or LDCad with full featureset of those editors, then importing them into their project. That would allow you to quickly bridge the editing gap, while immediately benefiting from your unique features.
Given that both SnapCad and LDCad use the same parts library and that library nicely mirrors the actual VEX parts set, it should be quite easy to import such a design (the top-level file basically contains a list of parts with their positions and orientations).

And, of course, thanks for the Studio!

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